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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ragnarok Online Philippines Patch update!

Get more details from Philippines patch update news page

Ragnarok Online high ping? Lag when play Ragnarok Online? Or high latency of Ragnarok Online when fighting in the game? Get Trial from Reducelag to solve the problem you had. We can help you lower ping from 50% and above. Decrease latency to have nice game.

Reducelag is support Ragnarok Online. Reducelag can help you lower  Ragnarok Online  ping, reduce  Ragnarok Online  ping, and decrease  Ragnarok Online  latency. We can help you to have smoother gaming experience.

Get more details at


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  2. Thanks for the list of proxies - they are becoming more and more important in todays climate just to access basic sites such as Another one to mention, which I currently use, as it always enforces Rapid Library UK proxy
